jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Dash Launch v2.20 para Xbox 360

cOz ha publicado la versión 2.20 de Dash Launch, aplicación para las Xbox 360 con exploit que permite arrancar la consola desde una aplicación homebrew. Solo es compatible con freeBOOT 9199, 12611 y 12625..

  • export option info along with the rest of dash launch info struct export
  • add multi version compatibility to installer and plugin
  • add 12625 patch set and offsets
  • new LIVE content hook patching, does auto yaris swap as well as extracted XBLA should work more consistently (hopefully)
  • added unhandled exception handler, dumps except info to UART/file and exits to dash/default item when apps don't have their own exception handler (instead of crash), disable by setting 'exchandler = false' in ini file.
  • added ini path setting (dumpfile) for capturing crash logs to a file, capture device must be connected at console boot time
  • added 'safereboot' option for those who have JTAG that have applied blackaddr's smc reboot fix, instead of 'hard' reboot
  • added option to enable debug strings to print to UART
  • adjusted patches to remove default UART hooking (less chance of string collision/overlap using DbgPrint via debug out option)
  • corrected a bug in the flasher ini update settings in regard to noupdater, it was setting nosysexit instead of noupdater value
  • added live "blocker", reroutes requests to resolve DNS names to loopback
  • added "livestrong" option to use an alternate list of DNS to block
  • added ini option to set how long buttons are watched for at boot time
  • embedding current versions external files into installer, no more messy directory; original paths still work and take priority over embedded files

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